For Our Palestinian Siblings (A Wish for Peace)

What kind of world have we allowed ourselves to create where a genocide is happening in plain sight, and no one can do anything to stop it?

Yet there are a few who hold the power that could end this instantly. Those people are sick.

"Humanity" should mean nothing other than love and care for all members of our species. We are brothers and sisters, descendants of the same ancestral grandmother. Now more than ever there is enough of everything in this world for all of us to exist with dignity; there is no need to destroy or enslave each other.

Power and money (the flip side of fear and hatred) perpetuate this and other genocides; they are the ones who sustain the decision to continue what is happening now.

They are the cancer that consumes our humanity.

Freedom for Palestine and all the oppressed people in the world. Love and healing for our wounded and sick humanity.

Art by: @jesxmdev (instagram), taken from